Friday, December 26, 2008

It's sad,

One of the tamiya crashed

like 1 nangke busuk...

The car owner cried like hell,

Until a girl came to convince him.

All laughed like mad

So the starting of tamiya can cause

life to be flying juz like that

before u're big enough...
So remember,
minom jangan drive
sebab keje bodo
tapi minom air puteh tkper...

Desire satisfied at first,Disaster at end...

Kae so like today,
juz like any other ordinary dae...
It was like excited to hear
A.A.A has entered
the interstate racing and he became
the pit crew...
bt his mother disagree and locked him outside...
Nasib dier allah yang tulis....astaghfirullah!

Some of his tools were used....

Some of spectators even viewed his
'GD' work

It was like an F1 race but only
a mini 1...

Thx bt i'm to tired so i'll be contunuing soon!..
LOADZ OF LOVE!.........................................

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ideas that 'pop out' is useful...

Sometime YOU think CRAZILY... actually might work someday(?)

The story is like this,

One of my excellent photographers took somthing,

'He' thought that those pictures taken were useless,

For that moment some1 said,


eventually ideas came out from nowhere,

Dj mal was seen at Siglap village after concert that has passed few daes ago,
No one came for the concert at kedai kopi pak samad and he left
becoming the new encik boncet on streets or a.k.a 'BMW 3000 SERIES'......

This guy was caught by
M.U.I.S and further retained for
intensive custody.He's known as new
version of M.I.A.....

He actually drank a 'BEER'..
Bt hj whirl storey 7 membabi buta sebab dier sememang-memanglah blind...
he saw the beer bt not the actual label.The decease sue him at I.C.J.....

Known now as A.A.A....
Specialise n trading of top cheapest of
habbatus sauda...this picture was taken before he became
a new freshman...keturunan Johan sent a spirit
flying stick that was sent by a (?).....straight away insaf

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Something new,discover long time ago..

So like today,

me and ekmal wanted to went pasir ris

bt actually it rain n he said to me

that he need to 'see' HIS mood


wif him...still he's my friend
BEFORE anything...our archeologist found this LIVIN THING near a human feATURE...sad we still finding its real home until now

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

R.O.W-ramadhan on wheels.

september 2008 was the happiest moments that i had.

It was in the month of ramadhan,maybe blessed by Allah that time when i was doin

sum charity work.One of 4pm staff surprised me by telling me there's sum1 driving a ferrari.
By right,it was supposed to be a lamborghini mercielago bt it had problems with the gear box.
At least i rode the ferrari scagelietti and the renault megane cabriolet.
The driver appointed to us were Mr.Norman kerr....first tought a real english christian,
he's an englishman but islam..tired for now...i'll be continuing soon=)...

pics n discoveries at Paris motorshow08

Heii there all!.....

it was nt my experience that discovered the motorshow.

All credit goes to my uncle that went there n took pics o the latest cars....he took the new lamborghini estoque,

a prototrype of mazda kiyora and the new aston martin v8 vantage...for your info i'm a speed lover=)...i'll be posting again next time!